I'm Ready

'I'm ready for a change',I said
As I cleaned off my room and undressed my bed
'Time for something new, although it will he hard'
So as I prepare, I'll just play the denial card..

'It'll be fine, everything will be alright.'
I told myself on my last night..
With my friends and family, and all I grew up with
And seeing my same old friends, not having to change anything

But...change makes you feel...different of course,
Whether or not it's for better or for worse.
I now think that I'm ready to go home
And in that...I think I am alone

I'm ready to play kickball until the street lights come on
And stay out at night until all my blood is gone
From the mosquitoes constantly biting my skin,
As I, as quickly as possible, pull my arms in..
My shirt.

I'm ready to go outside in the winter and have the sun shine in my face,
It was one feeling that for nothing,would I willingly replace
And tear open gifts on Christmas day
Only to rush outside in a t-shirt and jeans afterward,the Florida way

I'm ready for the salty smell of the water at the beach
That on any kind of day, hot or cold, is the best kind of treat
Running quickly, as my sandals flick sand into my eyes
And laughing at people who burn their bare feet's piercing cries

I'm ready to return to what I knew
I'm unprepared for anything new
And the only thing I can hope is that
I'm not the only one who wants me to go back.

Posted by Justin | at 1:39 PM


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